Styling hair brings me so much joy and simply makes me feel whole. Even on my worst days when my world seems like it's falling apart, I still choose to push myself towards my purpose.

There is something that happens when I sit my clients down and begin to discuss what version of themselves we will aim to create. Knowing I can be a part of someone else's expression of themselves to the world makes all of the pain or sadness I felt earlier disappear. I give them those few hours of freedom and a safe space to discuss whatever they like; that is the form of bonding and understanding I strive to have with every client.

I take that route with my styling because I feel like changing a person’s hair is more than just a look. It peels at different layers of self worth and helps each person leave with more self love than before they sat in my chair. My career choice doesn't only have to do with my love for styling hair, but my desire to connect with so many different people and touch their lives in a special way.



Well, here we are. To begin, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is JaBarie Anderson. I am a master hair stylist as well as a personal stylist. I have a degree in cosmetology and my work experience spans over 16 years. For as long as I can remember, I've always loved doing hair. A little bit of my background; I grew up in Lansing, Michigan. Though I was born in a diverse environment l used it to my advantage. Which in turn, gave me access to all walks of life and all walks of hair texture. They are all beautiful.

Being younger, as a kid, I would do my siblings hair for school or other occasions. My friends as well. From there, I moved on to working on mannequin heads. As I grew, so did my knowledge and my understanding of hair. I soaked it all up along the way from weaves, to bald fades, any kind of styling there is; I had my eyes set on being the master I've become today. In my journey, I've had the luxury of working on and with some of the best people in the industry. In 2012 at 19 years old, I finished high school. But of course it didn't stop there. I took quick action with elevating my my education in my chosen area of study, cosmetology. I started school the following year, in 2013. I pushed myself to achieve my education goals. I travelled back and forth from M. to NYC, for advice and training in color, cutting, and as well as makeup. It wasn't easy. There were times I didn't see my future as bright as I do now. See, I have a learning disability, called Dyslexia. Some of the obstacles I face with this disability impact my abilities with my writing and reading. In addition to that, it affects me cognitively with my capabilities to comprehend, slowing down the process of how I learn. So, I am more of a hands on, or a visual learner. But after everything, coming out of a performing arts school, I took the skills and tools I obtained to build the work many see today. One of the most important things I must say; having a team that's family, that's always around, who helps spell check my work or just catch any wrong turns is amazing. In 2017 I moved to NYC. I wanted to push my self out of my Comfort zone. But, never the less, this is me. Well, a part of me.